Does Satin Paint Dry Darker Or Lighter?

You may be wondering: Does satin paint dry darker or lighter? Whether you’re thinking about a new kitchen, bathroom, or bedroom, you’ve likely wondered, “Does satin paint dry darker or lighter?” This article will help you decide. Read on for more information about flat, satin, and semi-gloss paints. Here are some reasons why they differ. … Read more

Why is My Wall Paint Blistering?

Are you wondering why your wall paint is blistering? Read on to find out the causes, how to prevent new bubbles, and how to fix heat-induced paint blistering. There are several solutions for this common problem. But first, you have to understand what causes wall paint to blister. The reason is simple: the paint loses … Read more

Why is My Wall Paint Chunky?

You’ve probably wondered, “Why is my wall paint chunky?” It may be a sign that your paint is too thick or too thin. In this article, you’ll learn about the signs and some possible fixes for lumpy paint. Read on to discover what to do if your paint looks chunky or too thin. If you … Read more

Why is My Wall Paint Dusty?

If your wall paint is dusty, it is likely due to a number of factors. First, you may have a water-based paint, also known as latex. During the dry time, make sure to dust your walls to avoid wetting down debris. Then, apply a non-drying paint-removing primer. This step is vital to keeping your walls … Read more

Why Does My Gray Wall Paint Look Blue?

If you’ve painted your walls a shade of gray but they still look blue, there’s a good chance the color isn’t as accurate as you’d like. The light source, or lighting in general, affects gray paint color, and can either make it look blue or neutralize the blue undertones. In some cases, yellow lighting neutralizes … Read more

Why is My Fresh Paint Peeling Off the Wall?

The first thing to do if your freshly painted walls are beginning to peel is to determine the cause. The following reasons are some common culprits. These include moisture, excessive drying, poor quality paint, and corrosive substances. A quick online search will turn up many possibilities. Fortunately, there are some simple solutions that won’t cost … Read more

Why Does My Wall Paint Feel Rough?

Painting is not as easy as you might think. Homeowners struggle to get smooth paint coverage after spraying on their walls. They wonder, “Why does my wall paint feel rough?” How to remove flaking or peeling paint You can learn how to remove flaking or peeling wall paint by using a variety of tools, including … Read more

Why Is My Wall Paint Sticky?

If you have ever wondered, “Why is my wall paint sticking to my wall?” it could be because it was not properly primed. The solvent for paint sets when the surface is dry. Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions, especially the drying time. If your surface is properly primed, your paint will dry to … Read more