Why is My Wall Paint Turning White?

If you are wondering why your wall paint is turning white, there are several reasons that could be the culprit. These include Calcium carbonate, Surfactant leaching, or Acid wash. Here are a few of the most common reasons for the problem. Follow these tips to fix the problem once and for all. If none of these solutions works, read on. You may be able to find a solution that works for you!


Efflorescence, also known as “whiskers,” is a white powdery residue that forms on building materials. When water is present, minerals in the building materials react with carbon dioxide in the air and release the water-soluble property. This water then evaporates, leaving behind the white residue. In many cases, efflorescence can be removed without damaging the building’s facade. If you don’t want your walls to look like this, contact a professional for a thorough assessment.

The best way to treat efflorescence on exterior walls is to find the source of water ingress and fix it. Once you’ve found the problem, scrubbing the staining with a dry brush will help remove any salts. It’s important to scrub the stain with a dry brush to avoid the salts from resolving. But if the staining is too severe, use a commercially available acid cleaner.

Water vapor is a common source of moisture in buildings. It can easily penetrate a wall’s surface by condensing on the surface of the wall. The higher the thermal resistance of the wall, the colder the outside components will be. Efflorescence can also occur when the materials are left out overnight. For example, if you leave bricks and concrete masonry units out overnight, they can absorb moisture from damp soil.

Calcium carbonate

A new chemical filler is turning white wall paint off in many ways. It mimics commercial white paint by scattering light at a wide range of wavelengths. The biggest benefit is that calcium carbonate is far cheaper to produce than commercial white paint and can save you up to $1 a day in air conditioning costs. It can also be applied to the interior of your house, saving you money on heating and cooling costs.

The underlying cause of the paint change can be traced to the pebbledash plaster. The surface was still damp when the high-PVC matt paint was applied. The water carried the alkali salts from the plaster into the paint film. These chemicals reacted with the violet pigment and degraded it, resulting in white patches. The process is known as mode 3 of the alkali attack.

Lead white paint and calcium carbonate have an accelerating effect on each other. Lead white decomposes to lead carboxylates at 350 degC. In contrast, calcium carbonate decomposes at a much higher rate, leading to decomposition and liberation of lead carbonate with a different 14C signature. In addition, the accelerated degradation of lead white paint also depends on the state of oxidation and polymerization of the organic binder.

Surfactant leaching

Leaching is caused when the surfactant from the paint bleeds out into the surrounding environment. This may be due to high humidity or even by taking a shower. If it is on the walls, it can take up to 7 to 8 days before you notice any blotches. Moreover, you shouldn’t take a shower until the paint has dried fully. This is because the water from the shower can cause the paint to cry or streak. To prevent this, you should make the process a regular part of your home maintenance.

Another symptom of surfactant leaching is brown spots on the painted surface. These spots may have a glossy, soapy feel. This isn’t good to look at on your painted surfaces! You can clean off these spots and reapply new paint. Hopefully, this problem will go away in a few months. While it can be a bit frustrating, this is an easily resolvable issue.

Surfactant leaching isn’t a defect, but a natural byproduct of the painting process. This is particularly common in bathrooms with inadequate ventilation. You can get rid of this problem with warm water and a mild cloth. If you still see streaks, you can try the hot shower method again. You should repeat the process every few days. A hot water shower can mimic the effect of surfactant leaching. If that doesn’t work, try scrubbing with a soft cloth.

Acid wash

To make white wall paint look like it was never there in the first place, use a high-quality acid wash. This method is safe for most surfaces, even vertical ones. Acid wash is a solution made of muriatic acid and water. The acid reacts with paint, causing it to bubble and flake off. The mixture must be thoroughly rinsed away, so you should triple rinse any horizontal surfaces.

It’s best to store acid wash in a cool place. This will prevent any possibility of it eating into plaster. It’s also important to dilute the acid with water. Remember that acid is highly corrosive, and too much water can cause a boil-over. The water will help control the acid’s heat. Moreover, you should not use an acid wash on a windy day. If you must, be sure to read the directions before using the product.


If you have bleeding in your wall paint, you can repair it by removing the contaminated or stained layer and applying a sealer coat. A sealer coat will prevent soluble-colored material from diffusing through the paint. Once the sealer coat dries, you can paint over it. It is especially helpful on exterior walls. In some cases, you may have to repeat the process several times. However, if the problem is only minor, you can simply apply one coat and let it dry.

When you paint a room, one of the most common problems is bleeding in wall paint color. When you cover a dark color with a light color, the old color will show through. This can happen when moisture is present behind the newly applied paint and causes the water-soluble pigment to seep to the surface. It can also occur if the initial color is too light or too bright. To prevent bleeding, follow these simple steps:

Before applying the paint, ensure that the surface is clean and dust-free. If you are changing the color of your wall paint, use painter’s tape to prevent bleeding. Be sure to apply the tape in two-foot strips. Do not stretch the tape as this could cause bubbles and breakage. This way, you can remove the tape easily and without worrying about causing any damage to the wall or tape. If bleeding continues, you should redo the process.


If your wall paint is turning white, you may be wondering why. If you notice a white patch, it might be salt deposits. Salt deposits form when water evaporates from concrete. You can’t remove these deposits unless you repaint the wall again. Chalking is a white powder on the paint film that occurs when the paint weathers. The sun and moisture slowly break down the binder that holds the pigment to the wall.

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